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Save Thousands in taxes! 

Tax Reduction Planning

We will create a customized tax plan to help reduce your taxes.

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You deserve to keep more of your money

Tax Planning & Entity Structure

There isn't much you can do to reduce your tax bill once its tax time, which is why proactive tax planning is important. 


Tax planning is the key to successfully & legally reducing your tax liability. If you are tired of a surprise tax bill at year end or just overpaying on taxes, we can help you implement the best tax reducation strategies possible. That way you keep more of your hard earned money!

What goes into a great Tax Plan?

  • Choosing the correct business entity LLC vs. S-Corp vs. C-Corp

  • Understanding how to defer tax liabilities by using the right retirement plans 

  • Utilizing legal tax loopholes

  • Making sure you take every tax credit & deduction  

  • Using real estate and other investments as loopholes

  • Hiring your children & family members

  • Building a highly deductible business rhythm and much more! 


We enjoy & love helping our clients  take advantage of the loopholes and strategies to reduce the year end tax bill! We create customized tax planning reports for each of our clients based on their financial position. 

When you work with G&G CPA's, we guarantee to reduce your tax bill and even save you thousands in taxes!

Schedule a One Time Tax Strategy Meeting 

Starting at $300 for Individuals & $500 for Businesses

Our Strategy Meeting Includes: 

In- Depth Tax Reduction Consulting Meeting with a CPA
Customized Tax Reduction Plan Report 
Guidance on how to Adapt Tax Strategies 
One time Tax Compliance Check 
3rd Quarter Follow Up Meeting  
25% Tax Preparation Discount at Year End  
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